29 de nov. de 2011

MAISKAKE - Our Taste Thanks: CORN CAKE - Amazing Brazilian Recipe!!

There are times I'm trying to make this Recipe, but I've been rolling...
CORN CAKE!! Brazilian recipe for breakfast and afternoon's cofee taht can't be missed!!
Done Several times by my Blessed Mother with her Fairy Little Hands *-_-*

Don't know if there's Corn Flow here in Norway, at least I've never seen in any stores,
But the one I use I brought from Brazil when I came here the last year, then I still had some left.
Most hotels of Brazil serve this cake in their breakfast, so wonderful, simple and delicious that it is!!
There goes this recipe super easy to make:

- 4 whole eggs,
- 250gr of sugar,
- 300ml of milk,
- 250ml of unflavored yogurt,
- 500 gr of normal flour,
- 250gr of corn flour powder,
- 1 teaspoon of butter (fullest as possible),
- 250gr of grated coconut (i like it more dry than fresh),
- 1 tablespoon of baking powder/growner (fullest as possible),
- 3 pinches of salt,
- 3 drops of vanilla.

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.
Mix all ingredients in a blender, for about 3 minutes,
Or until you see that it was well mixed and not too liquid or not too thick,
But if you get the measures wrong in milk and yogurt, for more, add a little more flour.

Pour into a greased baking sheet, which can be rectangular, round normal or to Pudding,
And bake in 200 degrees for 5 minutes, then lower to 180 degrees and let it be for 30 to 45 minutes,
Or until you see that it is in the right point, by sticking a fork into until the bottom of the cake,
And when you remove it, it comes clean and dry from inside.
Generally, the ideal point of the cake is when it begins to blush,
But center the tray in the middle of the oven or, preferably,
At about half way down the furnace, to avoid burning the cake on top and get hard up.
After it is baked, remove from oven, let it goes cool and then cut it decoratively as you prefer!!
This cake is crisp, smooth and consistent, just as we brasilians love!! *-_-*

Bon Appetit!! *-_-*

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